

1. ancient, relatively isolated pastoral region in the central Peloponnesus

2. any real or imaginary place offering peace and simplicity

 ‘Of the two definitions above, the second one relates more to the content of this exhibition, although I do feel a connection with Greece having been awarded a travelling scholarship to Crete while at Glasgow School of Art and have been back to paint and draw there on a number of occasions. The definition ‘relatively isolated pastoral’ most certainly applies to where I live in Ayrshire.

The works in this exhibition were all painted within a few hundred yards radius of my studio as it has not been possible for me to venture further afield in recent times. Being surrounded by a pastoral landscape and our bountiful garden has offered me a unique version of my Arcadia from which this exhibition was created.’

OPEN EYE GALLERY 34 Abercromby Place, Edinburgh EH3 6QE can be seen on the gallery website at…………

ARCADIA exhibition runs from Sat 1st to Sat 22nd October 2022

Beehive, High Summer, oil on panel 36 x 28 inches (below)